
I've almost got 1968/1969 (my Senior year) completed. My brother sent me his old Catamounts as well, which go through 70/71, although not complete.

Unfortunately somewhere in updating my hardware and software, for a while, I lost the ability to create searchable PDFS with the original fonts from the Catamount. The newer OCR software installed with a newer scanner would try to match the fonts to ones on my computer and the Catamount scans were coming out with jumbled fonts intertwined looking something like ransom notes(!) and nothing like the original, except for general spacing, graphics, etc. The headlines were either interpreted as graphics or substituted into some crazy font.

Anyway, I took several days, (had to un-install IE 7 for obscure reasons involving certain older HP-provided software which (after reading others experiences on various forums) I found would only install properly with IE6! ) and finally got the old software back to where it's working. As soon as I get done checking the content, I'll release the school year 68/69.

I've been experimenting with doing a Catamount-page-per-pdf on some of the 1968/1969 stuff instead of a Catamount-edition-at-a-time. I think for usability (once the file is loaded) the edition-at-a-time is nicer, but it's very difficult to scan that way, and also very slow to download the whole edition of you only want to see a single page.

I've heard through my blog from Gary Berdon this week, and we've had a chance to reminisce a bit about things and people we remember. It also seems like I'm getting a couple of hits per week on my profile at classmates.

I also had a "google trap" go off this week to find out that someone has made yet *another* movie about the Third Wave - this time in German. A new film called "Die Welle" premiered at Sundance film festival this month, and apparently Ron Jones himself went to the premier. There's video (not very good) of Ron speaking at Sundance on aol video. The film's trailer/teaser (in German - and worth watching) are at www.welle.info .

Anyway, the 1968/69 Catamounts have a lot of space regarding Ron Jones and his failure to achieve tenure, his call for a hearing, and his subsequent resignation.

There's also an interview with Ron Jones in a later Catamount (after I graduated, but it's in my brother's material - Vol 14, NO. 10, front page by Dave Suliteanu) where one of the reporters went to Jones' new workplace (in March 1970) where he further discusses his retrospective. In that interview, he gives the (fortunately incorrect, yet ominouos) expectation that conditions in society would be such that "My wife and I don't expect to be alive five or ten years from now." - and "Violence is one means of communication, a very justifiable means, but I can't operate in that way yet; maybe tomorrow I will."

Actually, since there's likely to be interest in this with this film coming out, so I think I'll go ahead and scan that one edition for now and will try to pick up the rest of the 69/70 stuff as I get time to do them. So for the near future, there will be one edition of 69/70. I've scanned everything I have (plus one of my brothers) for 68/69, which was my senior year.

Hopefully the classes of 67 and 68 have enjoyed reviewing these old papers prior to their 40th reunions. Mine will be next year, so hopefully my class will enjoy these as well.

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